California ISO Declares Flex-Alert Statewide – Be Energy Efficient


California ISO Declares Flex-Alert Statewide

With a major heat wave bearing down on California, the ISO is declaring a Flex Alert August 10 through August 12, 2012.

Consumers are urged to reduce their energy use during the afternoon when air conditioners drive consumption. Find Flex Alert tips at

Outlook for Friday, Aug 10: Flex Alert

High temperatures are forecast statewide. Energy demand is expected to be high and consumers are urged to reduce energy usage between


11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Forecast peak demand: 46,800 megawatts

Outlook for Saturday, Aug 11: Flex Alert

The heat wave continues through the weekend. The California ISO is urging reduced energy usage between

11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday

Forecast peak demand: 43,000 megawatt

Outlook for Sunday, Aug 12: Flex Alert

Temperatures will continue to be hot. Conservation is helpful between

noon – 6 p.m.

Forecast peak demand: 43,000 megawatt

Go to and click “Notify me” to sign up for

Flex Alerts

and other updates. Follow real time grid conditions at


Funded by the investor-owned utilities and authorized by the CA Public Utilities Commission, Flex Alerts are part of an educational and emergency alert program that informs consumers about how and when to conserve electricity.


• Set thermostat at 78 or higher and turn off, if away

• Cool with fans & draw drapes

• Turn off unnecessary lights and appliances

• Use major appliances in morning or late evening


Declared when local voltage levels are at risk due to sudden power line outages or when fires threaten the grid.

All-time peak demand: 50,270 MW (7/24/06)


Operating reserves forecast to fall to between 7% – 6%


Operating reserves forecast to fall below 5%


Operating reserves forecast to fall below 3%


Stay comfortable during a flex alert with renewable energy products such as Geothermal cooling and heating – combine that with solar and be unaffected by the flex alert and be comfortable.

First what is Geothermal? Most of us are aware of what solar enery is and a basic understanding of what is involved, but there is another movement that many parts of the US and the world are using for heating and cooling.  For some reason energy efficient California is not up to speed on geothermal.  Residential and commercial properties can benefit from a method of cooling and heating their homes and offices – even heating hot water by using the temperature of the earth.

With a little land around a property or even a swimming pool may make it possible to use the geothermal advantage when it comes to reducing energy costs.  Swimming pools can also be heated when in the air conditioning mode, dumping the wasted heat into the pool.  Businesses that heat a lot of water for cooking, washing clothes or even a spa have found that the water heating for geothermal advantageous.

Some industries that use this to reduce their energy consumption are:

This is a renewable energy source that can replace fossil fuels in these applications.  That is why the Federal government is offering a 30% tax credit and businesses that install geothermal may accelerate the depreciation on the installation cost. The tax credit and depreciation are tax specific benefits that should be discussed with a tax professional to see how to qualify.

Contact Cold Craft, Inc. for more information about geothermal cooling and heating to take a bite out of your energy consumption.


If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.

408.374.7292 or INFO@COLDCRAFT.COM

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