Dangerous Carbon Monoxide From Home Heater Hospitalizes CA Family

Hayward family hospitalized after using the heating system in their home for the first time (click here for story).

Just because your furnace is not broken doesn’t mean that it is safe.

Several things can make it unsafe, flame rollout, gas leaks, a disconnected or blocked flue or a cracked heat exchanger inside the furnace can be responsible for allowing dangerous carbon monoxide gas to enter your home and into the air you breathe.  Carbon monoxide is so dangerous because it is odorless and colorless.  The symptoms mimic a stomachache or headache.  It is hard to determine that the symptoms are from CO (Carbon Monoxide) so some people just treat the symptoms.  CO could be deadly.

A recent change in California law requires a CO Detector to be installed in residences.  This is a precaution to help avoid CO poisoning, however, the home heating system should be inspected by a professional annually to assure proper and operation.  Cold Craft has a rebate program for the needed tune up to prevent these issues.

Cold Craft, Inc. is a 20 year old company in Campbell, CA and has certified technicians that can help you get that needed safety check to avoid a catastrophic incident.  We work on residential as well as commercial properties in heating, air conditioning, repair and installation of HVAC equipment as well as refrigeration and wine cellar/Winery work.

If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.

408.374.7292 or INFO@COLDCRAFT.COM

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