Fall Time Change Affects Energy Efficiency and Comfort

The time changes are different than they were before the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which cleared the way for a change in 2007 for the dates of the time change, so make sure you check the dates, and reset your clocks and thermostats on the correct days during the time change.

2011 and 2012 have “Spring Forward” in March, and “Fall Back” in November.  Stay focused on small energy efficient changes that can lower your energy bills even if you have an energy efficient furnace.  The correct time on your thermostat makes for a more comfortable home (because it will be the temperature you want when you want it) and your wallet (from energy savings).

Autumn Clock Change Date for 2011

Set your clocks backwards one hour, starting at 2:00 AM, on the first Sunday in November. The exact dates of Daylight Savings Time for 2011 is:

(Caution increased accidents the day of the time change.)

(How other countries view the time change in the US)

(Wasn’t Benjamin Franklin just joking about daylight savings?)

When Will You Reset Your Clock?

You have to ask yourself are you a “set it before you forget it” Daylight Savings Time-er, or more of an “Oops, I forgot to reset the clocks!” personality? When it’s time to change the clocks many people just change their clocks before going to bed, or reset them in the morning when they wake up, rather than changing the clocks exactly at 2:00 in the morning. It is important to note that some clocks are smart enough to change the time automatically. If you change the time manually too, you may end up an hour off.

If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.

408.374.7292 or INFO@COLDCRAFT.COM


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