SPRING Is Coming – Baseball, Butterflies and Allergies (Air Quality)

So Spring is, well coming, the good and bad news… it’s inevitable no matter how bad of a winter you have experienced, you can count on spring with its thoughts of Baseball, butterflies, flowers and OH YES THE BAD NEWS, ALLERGIES!

Anyone with springtime seasonal allergies is going to be miserable.  Normally, your immune system is there to help defend you from bad germs, but sometimes it just flat out betrays us and overreacts to common environmental or ingested food or medicine by having an allergic reaction or an asthma attack.  

Some of these common allergens are pollen, dust mites, food, etc. that can cause a runny nose, coughing, itching, hives, or other issues including more life threatening symptoms.  Luckily most people suffering from allergies get mild yet annoying symptoms – the more sensitive the individual that is exposed to the allergen the more urgent or more diligent we need to be in prevention.  For those with asthma it is possible for the allergen to cause an attack including wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

People afflicted with asthma can also get an attack from other irritants; this is why medical professionals suggest to get a flu shot because if there is an existing breathing issue the flu can be very difficult or even deadly.   Allergies and asthma can’t be cured, occasionally people grow out of the allergy, but you and your doctor can make a daily action plan that can reduce your symptoms and help you lead a healthy, active life.

Cleaning the air is a great start to controlling allergies.  Cold Craft has maintenance programs where we will replace the filter during a maintenance appointment if we know the size ahead of time.  Also ask a Cold Craft professional about more thorough ways to filter your air there are a lot of filter options especially for those suffering from allergies.  Installing air conditioning can also help by making is unnecessary to open your windows to cool your home.

Here is some help from WebMD…

Your Asthma Survival Guide for Allergy Season

WebMD Feature

By Amanda Gardner

Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD

You can live a full and active life even when you have allergic asthma.

Joanna Thomas has had severe allergic asthma since she was 2 years old. Her asthma is triggered, she says, by “just about everything.” But today at 72, she travels, volunteers, exercises, and generally enjoys life.

You can, too.

Clear the Air

There’s only so much you can do about outdoor air quality, but you can control the air quality inside your home. For starters, keep your windows shut.

Thomas finds that a HEPA filter (which stands for high-efficiency particulate air filter) keeps the air in her house clean by filtering out dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens.

Plan for Exercise

You can and should exercise. It helps your lungs and heart work better, and it builds your strength and endurance. If you choose an outdoor activity, try to limit the pollen and irritants you bring inside with you. As soon as you come in, take off your clothes and shower. Make sure to wash or rinse your hair.

On some days, when the pollen count is high, that might not be enough. Exercise inside on those days. Thomas has a folding, rollable treadmill that she can use in her home. She even takes it with her on vacations in her RV. Other people with allergic asthma find that yoga is a good inside alternative.

Rethink Your Home Decor

The surfaces in your home are as important as the air. Wash your curtains or, even better, replace them with blinds or other non-fabric window dressings. You can vacuum upholstered furniture. Dust items that are leather, plastic, vinyl, or wood with a damp cloth, Thomas says.

Thomas replaced all the carpet in her home with hard-surfaced flooring. Carpets can harbor allergens including dust mites, cockroach droppings, pollen, and mold spores.

Clean With Care

If you can’t get rid of your carpet, the American Lung Association recommends vacuuming at least three times a week using a HEPA filter and while wearing a mask.

In fact, you should wear a mask for any type of cleaning. “I wear an ear-loop face mask,” Thomas says.

What else can you do? Take out the garbage every day. Only empty the vacuum bag outside.

Protect Your Bed

Many companies make mattress and pillow covers. “They basically seal your mattress and your pillow case so you don’t have a reaction,” says Kim Franklin, 47, a nurse in Omaha, Neb. She was diagnosed with allergic asthma in 2002.

Thomas says you can also vacuum your mattress or use an upholstery tool to keep dust mites and other allergens at bay.

The American Lung Association recommends washing sheets, other bedding, and pajamas at least once a week in very hot water.

Beware of Dog (and Cat)

About a third of people with allergic asthma are triggered by cat dander. But if you’re one of them, you may not have to give up a home with cats and other pets.

While there are no truly allergy-free dogs or cats, some breeds can be easier to live with. “Low-allergen” dogs include the poodle, bichon frise, and Maltese. Some people have good luck with Devon Rex cats.

And know your limits. Tom Miller, 64, a marketing executive in Indianapolis, developed allergic asthma 7 years ago. While two cats are too many for him, he says one cat in the house is no problem.

Watch What You Eat

Avoiding certain foods might help you breathe easier. Miller says his symptoms “dramatically decreased” within 2 days when he gave up gluten 2 months ago. “I can sleep through the night now,” he says.

Thomas’ quality of life improved when she figured out which foods wouldn’t trigger her allergies. For her, safe foods include potatoes and frozen orange juice (supplemented with calcium).


Following these simple steps and getting a newer filtration system can help you be more comfortable when the allergens show up in the spring.


If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.

408.374.7292 or INFO@COLDCRAFT.COM

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