Variable Refrigerant Piping

What’s all the buzz about this commercial HVAC technology?

Exchange your old big clunky equipment to a designed custom heating and cooling system



I’m sure if you have spent any time in an office building the offices near the window are often too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer, unless the air conditioning is on, then occupants in the interior area are cold.  Zones on one side of the shaded building are cooler than the ones with the sunshine, etc.  Different departmental functions may require varying temperatures. Type of work that the occupants do will require different temperatures, for example someone unloading boxes will likely want it cooler than a more sedentary office worker. This is enough to drive the facility manager crazy!

Here is the answer to that facility manager’s nightmare. HVAC manufacturers have developed the ability to heat one zone while simultaneously cooling another zone at any given time.

We are not talking about a small area either. The possibilities are that (depending on the manufacturer) 1 outdoor unit can run 64 indoor units for potentially 64 different zones, and because they mastered heat recovery these systems using Variable Refrigerant technologies can really help the comfort and functionality of the building.  This all done while removing that outdated big equipment with just one outdoor unit.  So, the building can be custom heated or cooled per the building or zone functionality and occupants.

This is why many building owners and facility managers are making the choice to have their system designed to replace boilers and chillers and other commercial HVAC engineered systems to Variable Refrigerant Technologies.  This trend has become increasingly more popular year over year for the last 30 years because of the flexibility and energy efficiency.

The equipment today has been developed for varying capacities and functionality for true variable speed compressors to replace the conventional unloading compressors. Additional benefits are fantastic humidity control, LonWorks compatibility, web interface, BACnet and acceptance of US Green Builders Council, UL, ETL, AHRI standard 1230 IEER rating and ASHRAE.

Cold Craft, Inc. designs, installs and maintains the variable refrigerant technologies (VRV/VRFs).  Cold Craft is uniquely equipped and experienced to handle commercial and industrial jobs to convert and save money on energy costs.

Cold Craft’s team can provide the entire package from planning to installation for your variable refrigerant technology project or other HVAC and refrigeration need. Our experience includes but it’s not limited to the planning and installation of refrigerant piping for projects such as supermarkets, large apartment complexes, etc.

Brands we have installed include:

Call Cold Craft, Inc. for a phone consultation.  If you are being offered something from another commercial contractor that doesn’t seem quite right, give us a call we can give you a second opinion 408.374.7292 Cold Craft, Inc.

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