San Jose is a hot place to live. It has lively entertainment, hot technology and a longer than typical cooling season. Are you prepared for comfort?
According to the National Climate Data Center the cooling season is right around the corner. You can already feel it with the 75+˚days in February and March 2012. Here are some highs that may surprise you as to how close we are to needing that air conditioning.
So, tune up that AC or get it installed now to beat the heat!
San Jose Highs:
79˚ January
81˚ February
84+˚ March
95+˚ April
101+˚ May
109˚ June
108˚ July
105˚ August
104˚ September
101˚ October
85+˚ November
79˚ December
Air conditioning is a bit trickier to install properly than a standard furnace. If the sizing or the ductwork is wrong or too small it may not give you the relief you are seeking – if the unit is too big or the ductwork too small – the unit may freeze up and leave you hot and bothered.
Cold Craft, Inc. specializes in thermal comfort. Our certified technicians assure you that any work in your home is completed correctly.
So, if you are questioning if you are ready for the cooling season, give Cold Craft a call. We can tune up your air conditioning or provide you a free quote to replace or add air conditioning.
Cold Craft, Inc.
[email protected]
If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.
408.374.7292 or [email protected]
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