Wine Storage Solutions – Wine Cellars, Wineries And Access to Quality Wine Cabinet Solutions
Whether designing a 2000 bottle showcase, need assistance with your winery or simply looking for a well-designed refrigerated cellar, Cold Craft can assist you with your wine cellar storage needs.
Our experienced in-house wine cellar refrigeration experts have installed hundreds of wine cellars of every size and description. We regularly service everything from large commercial winery equipment down to Wine Gardian or WhisperKOOL units.
Since Cold Craft services so many residential and large commercial wine facilities, we have the experience needed to help our customers avoid problems that ultimately result in early failure or costly repairs.
Although many residential HVAC contractors may be capable of installing systems designed for residential use such as Mitsubishi Mini-Split Systems, wine cellars operate at much lower temperatures than the average residential home. When these systems are not properly modified, the equipment often runs continuously or is unable to maintain wine cellar temperature set points.
The design, maintenance and repair of wine cellars require special knowledge and skills that are only obtained through many years of experience. Cold Craft has that experience.
Cold Craft, Inc. collaborates with wine cellar racking and design companies to provide you with the best in custom built and installed home wine cellars. Call us to get the ball rolling or just to discuss the possibilities.
Cold Craft, Inc 408.374.7292
Fine wines can get better with age, but they need to be treated properly. There are six important factors for fine wine storage. They can all be met with a wine cellar which will protect and make your wine last longer.
wine cellar roomA wine cellar is for any wine lover, whether you are a seasoned collector or have just started to discover the wonderful world of wine.
Wine cellar cooling is a specialty that falls in a niche between refrigeration and air conditioning. This is why it’s crucial to consult with an expert that specializes in wine cellar cooling.
Through their many years of experience, Cold Craft has obtained the special knowledge and skills to assist you in finding the ideal solution. The professionals at Cold Craft, a full service heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration company, can work with you to install, maintain and service wine cellar refrigeration to your exact needs. For more information, you can call them at 888-447-0071 or visit
Wine Cellar Refrigeration for Luxury Homes
Cold Craft’s expertise with estate homes includes wine cellar refrigeration for fine wine collections and wine cellar tasting rooms; comfort heating and cooling via radiant heat and geothermal systems for warm floors in the winter and cool indoors during hot summer days; energy efficient solutions to ease the burden of the carbon load associated with other forms of heating and cooling and lastly humidity control for natatoriums for those that wish to swim or use indoor hot tubs or pools.