Historically and even more so over the past five years, Cold Craft, Inc. has continuously been courted by general contractors and owners or owner agents to work in higher end luxury or custom homes in the San Francisco Bay area to assure both form and function of thermal comfort, wine cellar refrigeration and custom applications. Cold Craft enjoys the challenges of working on large luxury homes. In many cases the project is a combination of residential and commercial systems, and controls to attain and maintain the correct temperature required by the owners. Cold Craft’s unique qualifications for large custom homes was the bay area’s best kept secret until now.
Luxury or custom homes are typically larger, constructed with a greater percentage of heat sink products such as stone, they are often located in wooded areas, on cliffs or otherwise exposed to the elements, and the owners desire to have the most modern heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC R) systems, controls, and alarms. That combination creates the engineering, installation and service challenge for the HVAC R engineer and contractor that Cold Craft craves. In addition, these owners not only want form and function, but they desire a focus on sound reduction for their HVAC R solutions. Cold Craft delivers custom solutions to meet the demands of the luxury homeowner.
New trends in luxury homes often mirror the LEED movement. Bringing the outdoors inside by using folding doors, guillotine style windows, or even walls that move to allow for more airflow to help with a portion of the cooling, the use of natural lighting and radiant temperature control is preferred because of its seamless delivery for temperature or light.
To achieve thermal comfort and wine cellar refrigeration that is not apparent to the occupants some solutions include the use of geothermal, radiant heating/cooling in the floors, walls and sometimes ceilings and the use of reclaim tanks for the hot water. Capturing heat and putting it to work elsewhere is attractive to the luxury homeowner. Luxury homeowners tend to want their home to operate on system that frugally uses energy and heat so as not to be wasteful. An example of how to use the heat expelled by the process of refrigeration is with a wine cellar, the heat can be repurposed to heat the pool, or to preheat domestic hot water.
Architects often contact Cold Craft for mechanical engineering services because Cold Craft is known for providing its clients designs that accommodates the thermal requirements making the home comfortable while being energy efficient and minimizing visual and acoustical impact of the site and residence. For large projects, there is a lot of attention given to discussing heating, cooling, and wine cellar refrigeration options to meet their specific needs. Many of our clients have expensive collections of wine or art that require special treatment for the environment where the collection is stored. If it is important to the client it is important to us.
Cold Craft, Inc. works with clients that demand privacy and anonymity. Cold Craft is accustomed to non-disclosure agreements and working with owner agents and house managers. If you want thermal comfort in your luxury home, or refrigeration for your wine cellar, call Cold Craft, Inc. at 408.374.7292, or visit us at www.coldcraft.com. They won’t tell.
Media contact:
Susan Nichol, CEO
[email protected]
408 374 7292
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