Zanattos 010

A local specialty grocer in Willow Glen, CA (a suburb of San Jose, CA) had been feeling the pinch of aging equipment repairs and ever rising energy costs.  This independent grocer elected to upgrade to a Zero Zone brand, multiplex rack type of refrigerant system for the frozen food cases and ice cream freezers.

w g f f rack photo (78)-resized-600

The change out of equipment occurred 2 years ago and the grocer has seen the value in this upgrade as they compare the energy costs with past bills and the other locations they have. The operating costs of this store are 63% of a conventional system at the sister store (the Willow Glen location appears to be slightly larger).

w g f f rack photo (79)

The energy efficiency is great, but the reliability is another factor in their decision.  Grocery store equipment failure can be devistating for a smaller store.  Over the past 2 years there have been no service calls on the equipment.


So what has made this such an energy efficient change out?

  • Zero Zone brand, multiplex rack type of refrigerant system for the frozen food cases and ice cream freezers.
  • The compressors on this rack are staged by a CPC Einstein controller.
  • This controller is configured to float the suction and head pressures. (This yet another secret to saving energy.)
There are some items we would change if we installed this again:
  • Installing a Bitzer compressor instead of the Copeland compressor.  The Bitzer is markedly quieter and it is energy efficient.  Painting the Bitzer compressor green is a part of the marketing at Bitzer to remind us of the energy efficiency of this compressor.
  • Install an LPA pump as a part of the rack.


Grocer’s are well aware of the operating expense of their stores attributed to refrigeration.  Upgrading the units to the most efficient configuration is the best way to control those costs.  Cold Craft, Inc. works with several grocers and food related companies to help them save money by focusing on energy efficient solutions.

If you need help with temperature, contact Cold Craft, Inc.

408.374.7292 or [email protected]



By Published On: September 24, 2014

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