Diamond Certified

Good Programmable Thermostats Improve Energy Efficiency

2014-12-10T00:34:40+00:00September 23, 2014|Uncategorized|

Today's newer thermostats are better looking and better functioning than ever before. More goes into the choice of a thermostat than you may imagine. Usage: Do you want the ability to control your furnace when you are away from home or do you want to set a schedule for your thermostat? Let's say you have elderly parents or animals in the home and there is a sudden change in weather, just jump on line and set the thermostat and no need to worry about running home to adjust the thermostat. How about a preprogrammed schedule for your thermostat? This alone takes the worry out of manual adjustment of the thermostat. Equipment Match Up: Two comfort features immediately come to mind for the furnace, the number of stages of heat and the blower speeds. The furnace needs to be matched with the type of furnace. First the stages of heat...many furnaces now have 2 or more stages of heat, there is a Lennox model furnaces that has over 60 stages of heat to increase efficiency and comfort. The blower speeds (also called fan or motor speeds) indicate the number of speeds that the equipment has to circulate the air whether in cooling or heating modes. If you can picture a portable fan - these fans typically have more than 1 speed.

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